What We Do

As financial advisors to pre-retirees and retirees, we help our clients build, protect, and preserve their assets to provide security and better peace of mind throughout their retirement years…period!

As a member of this group, you have very different goals and objectives compared to someone beginning a family or in the early stages of their career. In these ‘winding down’ years, it’s vital to improve or preserve your income and net worth; all while minimizing taxes. And, that’s exactly what we focus on doing for you.

As such, we offer comprehensive solutions in the following areas so our clients experience less stress and financial fatigue, allowing them to better enjoy the fruits of retirement.

    • Income planning
    • Asset growth and preservation
    • Social Security benefits
    • Estate planning
    • Long Term Care
    • Healthcare
    • *Tax minimization

    When it comes to financial guidance, objectivity is crucial. As independent financial advisors, we aren’t required to ‘sell’ a specific product, which means we enjoy the ability to research, evaluate, and recommend products without any restrictions. That means you get proven, targeted solutions tailored to benefit your specific situation.

    To keep you up-to-date regarding your account, and reduce any anxiety and uncertainty, you’ll receive regular account updates, timely correspondence, newsletters, reviews, and event invitations to keep you informed regarding your account performance, industry trends, product innovations, firm enhancements, and more.

    * Campbell Financial Group, Inc. does not give legal, tax, or accounting advice. We recommend you consult your own attorney, tax advisor, or accountant concerning the interpretation and revision of tax laws and regulations.