Discover How We Can Help

Retirement should never have to include financial compromise or worry about a diminished lifestyle.That’s why everything we do is focused on helping you to achieve Financial Security For Life.

The first part of that means working to see that you aren’t in jeopardy of outliving your asset base or available income stream once you retire.

The second part of Financial Security For Life means having the financial ability during retirement to enjoy life on your terms. It’s all about your life, your retirement, and how you want to live it.

Stability of assets and income, security and safety, and the peace of mind you need to live your best life during retirement are fundamental to what we do. And, helping you to achieve Financial Security For Life…well, that’s exactly what we do.

Welcome to Campbell Financial Group

As our guest, we invite you to read and learn more about us – who we are, what we do, how we do it, and why we do what we do. Hopefully, you’ll get a sense of our passion along with insight into our company and the people behind it.

You should know that when we talk about Financial Security For Life, we’re not just talking about tax minimization along with asset growth and preservation strategies designed to see that you don’t outlive your retirement assets; we’re also talking about preserving your lifestyle as you head into and through retirement, whatever lifestyle that suits you, without fear of running out of money.

Financial Security For Life is just that…financial security for life, without compromise, the way you choose to live and enjoy it.

A Word from Our Founder

Russell Campbell

“Our clients don’t worry about outliving their retirement assets or suffering a diminished lifestyle…and neither should you.”

~Russell Campbell


A Word from Our Founder

Successfully managing your retirement assets to maintain your lifestyle can be a confusing, uncertain task that requires constant attention. Along the way, challenges often arise that can not only affect the ability of your retirement fund to provide for you for the remainder of your life, but that can also significantly affect the stability of the money you’ve worked decades to accumulate. These daily challenges can seriously impact the quality of your life today, as well as tomorrow, putting your financial well-being at risk. Identifying these challenges early is one way we can help you to minimize their impact or, in the best of cases, avoid them completely.

   Whether it’s our experience, industry insight, product knowledge, attention to detail or something more…our entire philosophy and firm mission revolves around helping our clients to achieve stable income, investment security, peace of mind, and flexibility leading up to and during retirement.

 Call today to schedule your free, private consultation, without obligation, to see how we can help you.   

Our Mission

As financial advisors, we help pre-retirees and retirees build, protect, and preserve the asset base they have worked a lifetime to accumulate…period!

Our Objective

To provide financial guidance, security, insight, and peace of mind to you prior to, and all throughout, your retirement years.

Our Strategy

To improve or preserve your income and net worth, all while minimizing taxes, so you won’t outlive your retirement assets.

Our Process

To coordinate available information, strategies, and products into a flexible, cohesive plan designed to accomplish your retirement goals and objectives.


Retired couple working on a laptop in their home

Refinancing your mortgage when interest rates were low was a no brainer. But when is the right time to refinance your retirement?


Interest rates are high, so reviewing your existing annuity today could reveal big opportunities for your retirement plan.

Want to Find Out More?


We're here to help any way we can.

Please call or email us with your request to schedule a conversation. Please include your preferred days and times that work best for you, and we’ll work to accommodate your schedule.
Thank you for reaching out to us. We look forward to talking with you soon!


Refinancing your mortgage when interest rates were low was a no brainer. But when is the right time to refinance your retirement?


Interest rates are high, so reviewing your existing annuity today could reveal big opportunities for your retirement plan.

Want to Find Out More?


We're here to help any way we can.

Please call or email us with your request to schedule a conversation. Please include your preferred days and times that work best for you, and we’ll work to accommodate your schedule.
Thank you for reaching out to us. We look forward to talking with you soon!

Just a Few Questions We Help Our Clients Answer and Prepare for –

  • Am I in danger of outliving my retirement savings?
  • When should I begin drawing Social Security to maximize my benefits?
  • How can I minimize risk but maximize return with my retirement assets?
  • How can inflation and taxes impact my retirement lifestyle?
  • Am I protected against the rising cost of medical expenses?
  • What are my options for nursing home care and assisted living?